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Carefree renting out your house/real estate
Infintas Real Estate provides real estate and all real estate related matters. We can take care of both technical management and financial management for you, both for a single home and for a complete residential block. We take care of the management of real estate in The Hague and in the entire vicinity of The Hague.
Financial real estate management in The Hague and surroundings
- Collecting rent. These are deposited in a third party account.
- Managing lease contracts: muting and maintaining
- The payments and financial processing of all accounts
- The monthly overview of all rental income & expenses
- Keeping the service costs administration
- Calculation of annual heating costs settlement of rental properties which will be settled
- Implementing the annual rent increases and the administrative processing thereof
- Direct violation in the event of rent arrears
Infinitas technical real estate management in The Hague and surroundings
- Inspection and direct settlement of faults
- Small maintenance & repair work
- Guidance during major maintenance or renovations
- Weekly or monthly cleaning rounds
- Possibility to conclude service and maintenance contracts for technical installations
- Supervision of a good use of the rented property
Request a free quote for more information.
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